This component aims at initiating the integration of energy efficiency in higher education and vocational training. The development of well-trained professionals and workers will result in an increased and optimized use of modern, energy-efficient products in enterprises and companies and in a better utilization of the existing employment potential in energy-related professions. In vocational training, the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) is developing a course on energy efficiency which will be piloted in selected CTEVT institutes, and then rolled-out as a certified course in a second step. The integration of energy efficiency into existing courses will also be examined through a review of existing curricula. The National Skill Testing Board (NSTB) is supported in developing a national occupational skill standard on “Energy Auditor” for assuring the quality of nationally certified energy auditors for the local labor market. Similarly, the Institute of Engineering (IoE) of Tribhuvan University has begun the development of a short course on energy efficiency in buildings and industries for engineering professionals. The Center for Energy Studies (CES), IoE is supported in establishing an elective module on energy efficiency for one of its Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering and integrating energy efficiency in one of its Master degrees in Engineering courses. An exchange platform is being established to promote dialogue and collaboration between public, private and academia sectors on the topic of energy efficiency.
Implementing Agencies & Contact Persons |
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Mr. Mohan Bahadur Karki Council for Energy Studies (CES), Institute of Engineering (IOE) Dr. Shreeraj Shakya |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) |
Cooperating Partners |
The integration of energy efficiency into university and vocational education has been initiated.
The followings are major indicators of the component:
- A vocational training course on energy efficiency with a final qualification that is recognised in Nepal has been designed.
- A plan for integrating energy efficiency into 3 university degree programmes is available.
Major Activities
The followings are the major activities of the component:
- Develop appropriate teaching materials for teaching staff in vocational schools, training institutes, colleges and universities.
- Develop a vocational training course on energy efficiency.
- Carry out training-of-trainers (ToT) programmes.
- Promote cooperation between industry and universities.
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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