A robust policy and well-designed institutional framework is a precondition for achieving energy efficiency (EE) goals. While designing an appropriate policy and institutional framework is not an easy task, achievements of EE goals largely depend on level of commitment from key stakeholders. Experiences reveal that institutionalization of a separate entity for the promotion of energy efficiency can contribute in manifolds in overcoming the existing complexities to achieve these goals. The experiences gained by early starters can shed lights for newcomers to pave their own path for achieving their EE goals. The sharing of key ingredients of effective policy/ strategy along with success factors for its implementation would be beneficial to country like Nepal where a national EE strategy is yet to be put in place. Similarly, the experiences on institutional arrangements across different countries would highlight an institutional modality that the newcomers could adopt for achieving the EE goals both effectively and efficiently. Against this backdrop, a two day international conference was organized in Nepal by the Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP) under the Ministry of Energy, Government of Nepal with support from the German Development Cooperation – GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic.Cooperation and Development (BMZ) from 26 to 27 November 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Purpose and Objectives:
The underlying purpose of the conference was to provide a platform for sharing experiences among participants on the theme of the conference – “Institutionalization of Energy Efficiency”. During the conference the participants shared their experience on the following key issues;
- progress achieved in promotion of energy efficiency across the countries,
- key success factors that have led to the promotion of energy efficiencies in these countries, and
- different models of institutional arrangements prevailing in these countries
The conference also aimed to create opportunity among participants to share other relevant experiences achieved in the process of institutionalization of energy efficiency. Furthermore, the conference provided opportunity to establish and/or consolidate networking among the participants for mutual cooperation and joint efforts for promotion of energy efficiency in their respective countries.
Day One
Opening Session
Welcome Speech by Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Inauguration by Chief Guest – Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada, Vice Chairperson, National Planning Commission, Nepal
Key Note Speech by Dr. Albrecth Kaupp, International EE Expert
Address by Special Guest Mr. Matthias Meier, Ambassador, Germany
Closing Remarks by Mr. Suman Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Session 1: Status quo on promotion of Energy Efficiency Chaired by Dr. Krishna Chandra Paudel, Secretary, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal
Status of Energy Efficiency in Afghanistan - Mr. Zabiullah Tahirzada, Deputy Programme Director, GIZ- Afghanistan Energy Programme, Afghanistan
Status Quo on Promotion of Energy Efficiency Bangladesh Scenario - Mr. Sheikh Faezul Amin, Member of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), Bangladesh
Promoting Energy Efficiency in Nepal - Mr. Sagar Raj Goutam, Senior Divisional Engineer of Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Promotion of EE in Pakistan, Current Scenario & Way Forward - Mr. Anis-ul-Haq, Secretary General APTMA (Punjab Region), Pakistan
Session 2: Success factors in achieving Energy Efficiency Goals and Targets- Chaired by Mr. Sheikh Faezul Amin, Member of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), Bangladesh
Energy Efficiency Strategy for Thailand for the next 20 years - Ms. Juthamas Kijjanuluck, Policy and Plan Analyst, Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy Thailand.
India - Laws, Actions and Reasons - Results for Energy Efficiency - Dr. Winfried Damm, Director, Indo-German Energy Programme, India
Germany: Energy Agencies: Models, Goals & Services -Mr. Simon Zellner, Advisor–Energy Efficiency, Germany
Day Two
Session 3: Modalities of institutional arrangements for the promotion of Energy Efficiency, Chaired by Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Institutional set up of EE in Thailand and lessons learned - Mr. Chartdanai Chartpolrak, Director, The Energy Conservation Center of Thailand, Thailand
Institutionalization of Energy Efficiency in India - Mr. Arvind Kumar Asthana, Senior Technical Expert, India
What Others Have Done? - Dr. Albrecht Kaupp, International Energy Efficiency Expert, Germany Sharma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Closing Session
Summary of presentations and discussions
Remarks by national participant - Mr. Suman Basnet, Sustainable Energy Coordinator (NPC/UNDP), Nepal
Remarks by international participant - Dr. Winfried Damm, Director, Indo-German Energy Programme, India
Remarks by by international participant - Ms. Juthamas Kijjanuluck, Policy and Plan Analyst, Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy Thailand.
Remarks by Dr. Roland Steurer, Country Director, GIZ Nepal
Closing Remarks by Mr. Suman Sharma – Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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