- CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
- DSM Demand Side Management
- ELS Energy labeling standard
- ICS Improved Cooking Stove
- LED Light-emitting Diode
- MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standard
Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) utilize electric discharges in gases rather than a tungsten filament like traditional incandescent light bulbs. This has the advantage that for the same brightness less heat is generated and thus less power wasted. Furthermore the lifespan of a CFL is up to 15 times longer. So during its lifespan an CFL will save energy and money. CFLs are available in many sizes and most of them fit in the regular light fixtures. CFLs in Nepal are an important aspect in rising energy efficiency awareness.
Demand Side Management (DSM), also known as energy demand management, is the change of consumer demand patterns for energy through various methods such as regulatory frameworks, financial incentives and education. Usually, the goal of demand side management is to encourage the consumer to use less energy during peak hours, or to move the time of energy use to off-peak times such as nighttime and weekends. Peak demand management does not necessarily decrease total energy consumption, but it can reduce the need for investments in networks and/or power plants, safe Nepal money and decrease the need for load shedding.
Energy consumption labeling schemes (ELS) directly target the consumer and his decision making role while purchasing a product. All electrical appliances like fridges, light bulbs or water pumps need electrical energy for their operation. However, there can be a considerable difference in the specific energy consumption among these appliances. Energy efficient appliances use less energy than others while serving the same purpose, performing the same task, or providing the same energy service. An energy labeling scheme categorizes appliances according to the energy consumption. The energy efficiency of the appliance is rated in terms of a set of energy efficiency classes either indicated by stars (the more stars the more efficient) or by letters e. g. from A to G on the label, A being the most energy efficient, G the least efficient. The labels are clearly displayed on appliances when offered for sale or rent and may also have additional information for the customer, for instance the average power consumption per year.
Labeling enables the customer to make smart purchasing decision. With the information on the label he/she can decide what model to buy based on the electricity usage of the appliances. While choosing an energy efficient model he/she can save money on the monthly electricity bill, and simultaneously help reducing the peak load demand, necessary load shedding hours and investments for the additional generation capacities. Working on the assumption that lighting mainly contributes to the peak load demand the cost per energy unit for installing new generation capacity is more than 30 times higher than replacing incandescent light bulbs with CFL. Or in other words money invested on the demand side can save a multiple of this investment on the power generation side (principle of demand side management).
Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS) An improved cooking stove (ICS) is a stove that needs far less biomass to cook the same amount of food than a traditional one and consequently produces also far less smoke than a traditional stove. There is no international definition for the exact fuel savings that are necessary that a stove can be considered as an improved stove. However, it is usually admitted that an improved stove should save more than 1 third of the biomass in field test (different from laboratory ones) and/or reduce considerably the phenomenon of Indoor Air Pollution due to bad combustion (production of smoke).
Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs) have many advantages over incandescent light sources. Some of them are: better energy efficiency (same brightness for less power consumed), higher lifetime, smaller size and a higher durability. While the first LEDs only radiated weak red light modern LEDs come in all colours and with a very high brightness. With this ongoing development LEDs are used in more and more applications, from traffic lights to TVs. LEDs in Nepal are a quite new technology with a high potential for future applications. The general effiency of an LED is even higher than that of a CFL, but the price is much higher at the moment.
Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) is a specification containing a number of performance requirements for an energy-using device which effectively limit the maximum amount of energy that may be consumed by a product in performing a specified task thus only allowing energy efficient products to be imported and/or produced. A MEPS is usually made mandatory by a government energy efficiency body. MEPS generally require using a particular test procedure that specifies how performance this measured. In combination with import restrictions, production requirements and tax incentive schemes MEPS can help considerably to clear the market of inefficient, money and energy wasting electrical appliances.
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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